My Overview:
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 9.5/10
Entertainment Value: 10/10
Overall: 9.5 Excellent Game
Best Soccer Game!

Great Game

My Overview:
Graphics: 10/10 Perfect
Gameplay: 10/10 Perfect
Entertainment Value: 10/10 Perfect
Overall: 10/10
This game has the best graphics I have ever seen.
It is also loads of fun.
A great adventure.
Graphics: 10/10 Perfect
Gameplay: 10/10 Perfect
Entertainment Value: 10/10 Perfect
Overall: 10/10
This game has the best graphics I have ever seen.
It is also loads of fun.
A great adventure.

Pretty good game

My Overview:
Gameplay: 8/10 Great
Graphics: 7/10 Very Good
Entertainment Value: 9/10 Great
Overall 8.5/10
Very Good Game
Gameplay: 8/10 Great
Graphics: 7/10 Very Good
Entertainment Value: 9/10 Great
Overall 8.5/10
Very Good Game

what a game

what a great game. the graphics are not perfect, but the gameplay is great. It had me hooked the whole game.
Definitely recommended
Definitely recommended

Stealth action redefined*

This is the best stealth video game out there, with the exception of the x-box 360 version. This game is the definition of a great video game. The graphics are superb, even on the original x-box, which is really saying something. There is no game like this game, gameplay wise, and features wise. I consider The Splinter Cell series to be the best series of games ever made.
Brief Overview
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Entertainment: 10/10
Difficulty: 10/10
Replay Value: 9.7/10
Overall: 9.95/10
Obviously, the best stealth game, in my opinion, is 'Chaos Theory', so I don't know what I was thinking many years ago.
Brief Overview
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Entertainment: 10/10
Difficulty: 10/10
Replay Value: 9.7/10
Overall: 9.95/10
Obviously, the best stealth game, in my opinion, is 'Chaos Theory', so I don't know what I was thinking many years ago.

Great film if you love Kevin James!*

I personally, think Kevin James is the funniest person in the world. SO, that is basically why I really enjoyed this film. He had tons of funny moments in this film. Not as funny as The King Of Queens, but I still laughed very hard.
Now with Adam Sandler. He was very funny at some points, but he tried to hard sometimes on his jokes.
The plot could not have been better. It was hilarious. The actors pulled it off well.
The acting was superb also.
Very good film
Now with Adam Sandler. He was very funny at some points, but he tried to hard sometimes on his jokes.
The plot could not have been better. It was hilarious. The actors pulled it off well.
The acting was superb also.
Very good film

Very good movie*

I was really looking forward to this film. It looked like a perfect thriller with an interesting plot. I did enjoy it a lot, but was not overly impressed. I mean, I enjoyed it a lot, but the plot was weird. A dead guy walking around trying to make people find where his body is hidden? ya, a little on the weird side. But overall, it was pretty cool seeing someone invisible doing whatever he wanted,
and no one could see him.Very good film.
I'll let my young self keep this review. It's really interesting seeing what I said years ago.
Yeah, this movie isn't a '9', but it's still a pretty good '7'.
and no one could see him.Very good film.
I'll let my young self keep this review. It's really interesting seeing what I said years ago.
Yeah, this movie isn't a '9', but it's still a pretty good '7'.

Very entertaining*

This has got to be one of the best action films of 2007. At first, I didn't think Timothy Olyphant would suite Agent 47's role very role. But I was pleasantly surprised. He did great.
As for the plot. It had kind of a bourne film style to it. It really made the film better.
The fight sequences were incredible. Extremely well choreographed, and a joy to watch.
Overall a very good movie.
Yes, back then, a ton of years ago, I rated this an 8.4. Things have obviously changed, and there's an error or two above. Regardless, I enjoy reading the reviews from ages ago, because those were THE days......
As for the plot. It had kind of a bourne film style to it. It really made the film better.
The fight sequences were incredible. Extremely well choreographed, and a joy to watch.
Overall a very good movie.
Yes, back then, a ton of years ago, I rated this an 8.4. Things have obviously changed, and there's an error or two above. Regardless, I enjoy reading the reviews from ages ago, because those were THE days......

Superb psychological thriller*

I was very excited when hearing about this film. The plot looked superb, and Kevin Costner is a great actor. And I was right on target. The acting was great from Kevin Costner, and Dane Cooke, well, was not superb. Demi Moore also played a good role as a cop. I loved the plot,simply because it was a serial killer genre movie, and Iam into those. The suspense was awesome. It had me hooked from beginning to end. A great film.

O.K., but could have been much,much bett*

I was actually looking forward to this film. It did not look great, but it looked like a pretty good action/animation film. But the truth is, it is just not that good. The plot is a little off, it just starts off weird. And the scenes are all misplaced. The action was average. Overall, I thought this film was O.K. But kind of a wannabe "300" Film.