"That's cool "spiderlaw". I am glad you love Halo like everyone else. I just find it to be boring. Same with Gears of war, that sucks even more. Thanks for the comment"

"I couldn't agree with you more on most of these. Very excited to see how they turn out."

"Samuel L. Jackson, yes I forgot thank you. Chow Yung fat I am not entirely familiar with"

"Yeah, I only play Xbox 360 and the original Xbox. I still occasionally play N64 but enjoy all of the games for it."

"I have personally not seen many of Eastwood's work sadly, though Gran Torino was great. I will update it. Thanks for the recommendations."

"Lol. I have seen it, but forgot to add it. Thanks for the recommendation."

"O, ok I gotcha, but I really did already know that. Thanks anyways :)"

"I disagree with a few, but opinions are opinions. great list overall."

"I agree on a few of those, though have never played a lot of them. Impressive list though."

"How do you get into the conventions? Can you just go there, or do you have to have some sort of special access? very impressive list."

"A great and very unique list. I never would have thought of it."

"I was just expecting much more from Seven, though I still highly enjoyed it. And yes, Donnie Darko was definitely not what it was hyped up to be."

"What was so bad about "Hostel", "Hot Rod", or "Superman Returns"?"