"I, unfortunately have not seen too many foreign films. However, I really have been meaning to check out the two you mentioned."

"Although I don't agree with EVERY single thing you've said, it remains a good read nevertheless. Keep up the good work!"

""The cop who doesn't call for backup and is immediately killed." Along with kusperli's suggestion. Anything to do with cops, really. They are always the worst in horror films. Great list, by the w"

"1. Inception 2. The Prestige 3. The Dark Knight"

"1. Rear Window 2. Psycho 3. The Lady Vanishes 4. Notorious 5. Vertigo"

"1. The Departed 2. Goodfellas 3. Casino"

"1. Fight Club 2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 3. Zodiac"

"Only a few of these people can actually be considered TALL, as the rest are just a minimum of 6 feet. Nontheless, good work on this list. I'll vote."

"@skontch1: His first name is obviously the one that's tough. "

"ABSOLUTELY agree with 'Seven', though I'm pretty sure we've discussed it before. In fact, everything you've written here about it, is the exact same thing I would put as well. However, I did love 'B"

"City of God, and The Killing. Two very much essential watches, at least from my perspective. I really disliked Avatar, but I wouldn't tell you to avoid it, as you could easily end up loving it. Also"

"A lot of interesting picks here, and some I'm sure I'll catch at one point or another. Nice writings, too. Are you going to rate 'It's a Disaster'? I really enjoyed it ;)"

"Fantastic list, man! You gave me a few "Want to Watch" films."

"1. Rocky 2. Field of Dreams 3. The Fan (De Niro) 4. Invincible 5. The Rookie (2002) The only question I have, is why is this list in DVD format?"

"Good list, man. I envy all your classic viewings. Reminds me I need to catch up on a few."

"Best Picture: .....Inception Alts: The Town, Shutter Island, Black Swan"

"Best Picture: No Country for Old Men Alternatives: The Bourne Ultimatum, Into the Wild, Gone Baby Gone, Breach, Zodiac"

"Best Picture: The Departed Alternatives: Children of Men, United 93, Inside Man, Rescue Dawn"

"Oh crap, that's right, he was in Sin City. Thanks for the reminder and vote :)"

"I still have not actually. But I know I will sometime in the not-so-long future. Thanks for the recommendations and the vote. Do you have a similar list?"

"It's difficult to SPELL, at least sometimes for me. Hard to remember if there are two s', two n's, whatever it may be. The list does have an "And/Or" in it........ But thanks for the vote, man."

"I actually enjoyed 'Love and Other Drugs more than my rating indicates. I'm just strict with the small things, is all. I'll definitely be seeing it again. As with 'Day After Tomorrow', it just reall"

"Nice list. You can't please everyone, so there will always be complaints, unfortunately."

"I'm excited for just about all of these. Very good read, man."

"1. Back to the Future 2. Inception 3. Minority Report 4. The Terminator 5. Children of Men 6. Star Wars Episode IV 7. Back to the Future Part II 8. Back to the Future Part III 9. Star Wars Episode V 1"