Fool's Gold.

I highly enjoyed this film. It took awhile to get into it, but I actually thought It was a very good film. There were some none funny scenes, and the plot was kind of mixed around at some points, but it was an enjoyable film. The one aspect that I could not stand was Gemma. Wow, she was annoying. Other than that, Matthew McConaughey, did great, and had me laughing several times. Kate Hudson had some funny scenes too. This is not a great film, but it sure is enjoyable.


When I first bought this video game, I was excited about it. The graphics were great, and I loved the gameplay. After awhile, it got boring, and not very fun to play. I forget to mention, that it also got very repetitive. I will not sell this game, but I hope I can enjoy it in the future.

Welcome to the Captain review

This is a very entertaining show. This is not a great show, but I still really enjoy watching it. Some of the scenes, are a little cheesy, but it is an enjoyable television show.

Great Drama Film.*

"The Shawshank Redemption" is about a man who is put into prison for killing somebody. At first he is having a difficult time coping with it. During the process he meets an inspirational man played by Morgan Freeman. They bond and begin learning from one another. The relationship between the two is amazing and they do great on camera. This is definitely one of the most inspirational films I have ever watched. It is a true classic.

Turok review

I have never played a game like this. There are dinosaurs everywhere, and they are very real looking. I thought the multiplayer live on Turok, was O.K., but the single player is where it's at. It has great single player gameplay. You can use a bow and arrow, an awesome knife, and various amounts of guns. I love the free roam, jungle gameplay, with stunning visuals, and great gameplay, that never gets old. I recommend this game. It is a great game, of you play the single player.

Rambo review

I cannot believe, how extremely great, this film is. John Rambo, is back, and he is bad-ass. The action, is spectacular, and some heads were even chopped off. This is such a great film. If you do not enjoy watching films, that have very gruesome scenes, then do not watch this. If you love intense action, from beginning to end, with a lot of blood and violence, then this is the film for you.

This is a Great Game

This is the best Basketball Video Games I have ever played. The graphics are almost perfect. The character textures look great. The gameplay is awesome too. The players shooting releases are just like their real life shooting. The game modes are great in this game aswell. There is a new scenario mode, all-star weekend, rookie challenge, and all of the other game modes. I really enjoy playing this game. By the way,the achievements for the X-box 360 version, are extremely fun to get.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance review

This is a very fun, and addicting, video game. I really enjoy, using a whole bunch of cool superheroes. I would definitely, recommend this video game.

Perfect Dark review

This is definitely, the best game, on Nintendo 64. The graphics are not great, but the gameplay is fun, and the game never gets boring. This, the two Bond games, and Mario Kart, are the best games, on the Nintendo 64.

Great, But No Contest For Goldeneye.

I think this installment of James Bond, is almost as good as Goldeneye. The graphics are great, and the gameplay, is over the top fun. This is one of the best games on Nintendo 64.