It Could Have Been So Much Better.

"Jumper", was really not good. The story, was rushed, and had so many flaws. If the film, had been a half hour longer, it would have had more time, to develop. The acting, was good from Hayden Christenson, and Samuel L. Jackson, but Rachel Bilson was horrible, and made the film that much worse. There were a few very cheesy scenes in this one aswell. I thought the concept, of "Jumper", was good, and interesting, but it just wasn't pulled off well.

This Is One Of My All-Time Favorite Film

Let me start out by saying, do not listen to any bad reviews or ratings, of this film. It is not cheesy, nor does it have bad acting. "Never Back Down", is an excellent film. Let me start out, with the character development. It is great. I was concerned with every character, from beginning to end, and that is a good thing. The characters, also had great relationships together. The film was not just a mindless fighting film, it had great character development. The fight sequences, in this film, are extremely real looking, and Very realistic. The fighting moves, could be done, in real life. I loved seeing this film, it was excellent. I will definitely remember this film for years to come, and buy it the day it comes out.

Invincible review

"Invincible", is an excellent film, about Vince Papale, a thirty year-old bartender from Philadelphia, that fought many odds, to be in the NFL. I really enjoyed seeing him become a great football player, train, and go against odds. Mark Wahlberg, did great as Vince Papale. Everyone else's acting, was great as well. I was hooked, from beginning to end, in this film. I highly enjoyed it.

Excellently made film.

"Gone baby gone" is an excellent piece of filmmaking. I thought it was one of the best films of 2007, and I highly enjoyed it. The character development is excellent. Casey Affleck, put on a great acting show, and did not disappoint. His acting might be better than his brothers. Morgan Freeman was great in this film as well. His acting was one of the strong points of this film. All of the supporting cast was also excellent including Ed Harris, Amy Ryan, Michelle Monaghan, and many others. The story was extremely in depth, and I did not see any plot holes. The cinematography was beautiful, and made the film much more enjoyable. This is an excellently made film.

An entertaining film, but bad ending.

This film was very entertaning. Jason Statham did great as usual, and his acting was great as well. Jet Li was not himself, but still showed some talent. His role as "Rogue" was great, and it was really fun to watch. The plot in "War", was good, and basic, but had some great scenes.
There was one huge flaw to this film, and that is the ending. It didn't make any sense, and was frankly stupid. I won't spoil it for you, but it is a disappointment. I do recommend this movie though, for the pretty good action scenes, and a very good cast.
There was one huge flaw to this film, and that is the ending. It didn't make any sense, and was frankly stupid. I won't spoil it for you, but it is a disappointment. I do recommend this movie though, for the pretty good action scenes, and a very good cast.

A History of Violence (2005) review

I found this film, to be extremely entertaining, with a great story, and great acting. I do not recall, any cheesy scenes at all. The action, in this film, is great. Viggo Mortenson, is excellent, in "A History Of Violence". This is one of his better films, he has done.

This is a great horror film.

"30 Days Of Night", is a great horror film. Josh Hartnett, did great, in his role, as "Eben", and the plot was entertaining. There was just one thing wrong with this film, it was rather slow. I mean, I caught myself waiting for more action and exciting scenes. Other than that, This film is great.

Great Television Show.

This is a great television show. The humor is good, and the acting is very good. This is not as good as some other shows, but I would still put it up there with one of my favorite television shows.

Extremely Fun Video Game.

My Overview:
Gameplay: 9 (Great)
Graphics: 8.8 (Great)
Entertainment Value: 9.5 (Great)
Replay Value: 8 (Very Good)
Overall Rating: 8.8/10=Great Game
Gameplay: 9 (Great)
Graphics: 8.8 (Great)
Entertainment Value: 9.5 (Great)
Replay Value: 8 (Very Good)
Overall Rating: 8.8/10=Great Game

Better Than The First Film.

"Saw II", is better than the original "Saw", there are many reasons. One, there are more people, in a building, opposed to just two. The second, reason, that this film, is better than the original, is the story. I really enjoyed seeing the S.W.A.T. team, actually be able to encounter Jigsaw, and be clueless, on what he is doing. I thought the plot, in this film, was excellently made. The idea, of having people, with different pasts, but all being connected in a way, is interesting, and fun to watch unfold. One of the other big, important aspects, of this film, was Donnie Wahlberg. He was the star of this film. His acting was excellent, and his role, was a very good one. I wish, Danny Glover, would have been in this one though. This is a great film.