Great Movie.

Yes, this film is ridiculous and outrageous at some points, but that is expected. The film was just made for laughs, not a cinematic masterpiece. I personally thought it was a very funny film, featuring some great performers that pulled it off quite well. I did not walk into the theater expecting greatness, but just a fun time at the Movie Theaters, and that is what I got. "License To Wed", is a fun, and very entertaining film. If you are looking for a great time with friends, and film that will make you laugh, then I recommend this Film.

An Average Action Film.

"The Island", was in some ways a disappointment. The action scenes were average, but they were very predictable, and for the most part, not very entertaining. I was expecting a much more exhilarating film, with more genuine scenes, and a few more plot boosts. "The Island", is just your typical action/science fiction film, with a pretty interesting and unique plot. There was one aspect I was fond of however, and that was the comedy. This film was genuinely funny. I also thought they did a good job with the fight sequences, and car chases. So overall, a good solid film.


This game fails on many levels. The gameplay is no good with the shooting being extremely difficult along with the graphics not being up to par, with the addition of the horribly created slow motion feature. They tried too hard to rip off the amazing classic "Max Payne". this game needed a few more months of development to even closely relate to any mediocre game.

An Amazing Video Game.

This is one amazing video game. Yes, the concept is simple, just beat up bad guys hitting the same buttons over and over again, but that is amazingly fun and addictive especially if you completed the game a few times with friends. This game will be remembered for years to come, is an instant classic and easily the best game ever for the Super Nintendo.

The Greatest N64 Game.

"Mario Kart", is the greatest Nintendo 64 Game ever made hands down. There are are other games that are close in greatness, but Mario Kart prevails. The gameplay is perfect, with so many options to choose from, the game just never got old, and was always fun, even still to this day. Mario Kart Is Champion.

Not So Good.

"Burnout Paradise", is not really worth playing more than once. The reason I say that, is because the gameplay is extremely repetitive and frustrating at that. The graphics are great, and the stunts are pretty cool, but the game is just not put together well enough to be considered a very good game.
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 9.3/10
Entertainment Value: 7.9/10
Replay Value: 6/10
Overall Rating: 7.3/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 9.3/10
Entertainment Value: 7.9/10
Replay Value: 6/10
Overall Rating: 7.3/10

Great Game.

"Battlefield: Bad Company", is a great first person shooter.
Gameplay: 8.9/10
Graphics: 8.7/10
Entertainment Value: 8.9/10
Replay Value: 9.7/10
Overall Rating: 8.9/10
This game has the potential to be one the best first person shooters on the X-box 360. It definitely has some of the best online play I have ever seen.
Gameplay: 8.9/10
Graphics: 8.7/10
Entertainment Value: 8.9/10
Replay Value: 9.7/10
Overall Rating: 8.9/10
This game has the potential to be one the best first person shooters on the X-box 360. It definitely has some of the best online play I have ever seen.

Entertaining, But A Little Dull.

"Wanted" is a highly entertaining film with some spectacular action scenes, and a good car chase. I was into the film for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, where Wesley was explaining his life, and his problems. After all of that the film kind of got repetitive and dull. I always caught myself waiting for something more to happen. I highly enjoyed the training process, and great action scene at the end of the film, and the last scene, but this film just wasn't well paced enough for me, and it had a lot unrealistic matrix type stuff too. I highly enjoyed this film, it just was not great.

Great Horror Film.

"28 Days Later" is a great horror film with amazing and epic scenes throughout. The plot is exciting, and never is boring, with fighting, zombie attacks etc. Usually when you think of a great zombie film, you think of "Dawn Of The Dead", or "Land Of The Dead", but "28 Days Later", is the new definition for a great zombie film. There are no flaws in this film. I would recommend this film to anyone looking for a great time full of suspense, and yes, a little creepiness mixed in. Great Film.

Rushed, But Funny And Enjoyable.

"Drillbit Taylor", is a very good comedy film, with a few flaws mixed into it. The story revolves around three high school students named Wade, Ryan, and Emmet. They are all having a little problem with these two bullies at their school. They punch them, make them pee on themselves, and etc. After awhile, they get angry about all of the pranks and bullying, so they put an ad on the internet for a bodyguard. Several people try out for the part, but they the kids can only afford one, "Drillbit Taylor". What happens next is the kids pay him a little money then, and then the rest later. Drillbit teaches them some fighting techniques and strategies to avoid the bullies or how to confront them if necessary. After a lot training, the kids think their ready for the bullies, but they are in for a rude awakening. Towards the end the middle/end of the film, it starts getting very repetitive and quite frankly a little annoying, until the very end, that is rather entertaining. The kids find out that Drillbit is just there to steal their money and belongings for money because he is a homeless bum. This film is very entertaining, with some great scenes, and very good acting, but the plot was rushed just a little bit. Other than that, "Drillbit Taylor" is worth seeing, or maybe even buying. I highly recommend this film to anyone looking for some laughs, and a very good story.
*May Contain Spoilers*
*May Contain Spoilers*