Funny, But Could Be Much Better.

This show is funny at some moments and not at others. I think Bill Engvall is funny and all, but he just isn't funny enough for me. the other actors in the show are even less funny too, but for some reason, I really enjoy watching it. It is your normal sitcom with the normal and sometimes dull dialogue. I am not saying this show is bad, I am just saying it needs improvement for me to consider watching it in the future.

Very Addicting.

Dexter is a highly addictive show. It is one of my favorite television shows, and it is one of the most fun shows to watch. The show is based on a serial killer named "Dexter". That is, He is a serial killer when he's not comforting his girlfriend and her kids. So basically, he is a serial killer on his days off. This television show is so well made. I cannot think of a more provocative show on television. There is a really cool aspect about this show. Dexter commentates his life. It is really interesting to hear him commentate the episodes and see his point of view on certain things in his everyday life, for example why he became a serial killer, how he kills certain victims, and normal everyday events. This show is filmed much differently than any other show, and it has a much more unique and developed plot to go with it. "Dexter" is a gem.

The Greatest Action Show On Television.

"24" is the best action show on television. I don't care what anyone says, Jack Bauer is a bad-ass in every way. From his intelligence, to his fighting talent. He is the ultimate action star. Anyway, now about the show itself. It is about a CTU Agent named Jack Bauer. He goes on missions to protect his country and sometimes gather intelligence while in process. He is accompanied by his CTU Team back at the headquarters giving expert analysis and so forth. The plot is perfect. It is highly entertaining and action packed with no flaws, along with the story, which is also amazing. I am always wondering what is next because it is so addicting to watch. As far as the acting and cast goes. It is superb. With Kiefer Sutherland and others. Watch for another season at around close to January 2009 I believe. You will not want to miss this amazing series. Also make sure to catch the great re-runs on local cable television.

One Of The Greatest.

What can I say. "Two And A Half Men" is one of the best shows on the air. From Charlie Sheen's sarcastic attitude, to Jon Cryer's hilarious outbursts and jokes. Hey, even the kid is funny. This show has really made its mark on television, and it's popularity is expanding as we speak. I cannot think of anything wrong with this show. You can basically say this is as good or better than most shows out there. Every time I watch it, I crack up, and want to watch another episode. "Two And A Half Men" is becoming a classic.

A Very Good Show.

"Numbers" is a highly entertaining television show. It is about a mathematician working for the FBI. He helps them solve crimes using math calculations and all of these formulas. There are a lot of "CSI" Like material used in it, with the opening scene being the crime, and then the whole investigative process throughout the rest of it. I think this show has it's cheesy moments, and it is in a way a rip off of other great shows, but if you watch a full episode through, you will be hooked. I will guarantee that. I highly recommend this television series.

An Excellent Show.

What is there really to say about "Seinfeld". I mean, it is great, and everyone knows that. My favorite character is Jerry Seinfeld. He always makes me laugh. I enjoy the whole entire cast a lot, and still watch a lot of the re-runs. I think "Seinfeld" is an excellent show.

One Of The All-Time Greatest Television Shows.

This is one of my favorite television shows of all-time. It features the young Shia Labeouf and his hilarious mishaps throughout the show. I don't think anyone else could have played the part of "Louis Stevens" as good as him. The Stevens family is hilarious, and always fun to watch. They no longer air this series, but they still show re-runs on Disney Channel. If you have not seen it, I suggest catching an episode or two. You will not be disappointed. You will most likely put it on your favorite television shows list.


This is one of the funniest shows I have personally ever seen. Every time I watch it I just cannot believe how hysterical it really is. The spoof factor is probably what really makes me laugh. They make fun of cops, and all of the other serious shows like that. They do such a great job at it too. I especially think Nick Swardson is the funniest of them all. He his always getting into trouble, and then runs away. There are no flaws in this television show. It is one of the greatest shows ever made.

Amazingly Entertaining.

I remember watching this television show awhile back and enjoying it a lot. It is one of those film like television shows. There was always an exciting scene going on, like John Doe breaking into a building, fighting someone, or doing other awesome objectives. I think of this show to be one of the best action shows, when it was airing. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Fun, But Not My Cup Of Tea.

This game is fun if your into playing guitar, or are just into music a lot. I enjoyed playing it. I only played the game twice, and it was pretty fun. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.
Gameplay: 8.5
Replay Value: 9.5
Entertainment Value: 9
I highly recommend this game. Just because I am not totally into it, does not mean you will not love it. It is just a matter of opinion.
Gameplay: 8.5
Replay Value: 9.5
Entertainment Value: 9
I highly recommend this game. Just because I am not totally into it, does not mean you will not love it. It is just a matter of opinion.