"I know I'm in the minority here, but I strongly disliked that film...."

"Excellent list idea and assassins. Jason Bourne truly is 100% effective!"

"I'm liking this list idea. How about Mr. Smith in Mr. Brooks (2007)?"

"Excellent work! Here it goes! 1.Robert De Niro 2.Leo DiCaprio 3.Christian Bale 4.Al Pacino 5.Kevin Spacey 6.Edward Norton 7.Nicolas Cage 8.Mark Wahlberg 9.Joe Pesci 10.Matt Damon That was difficult"

"Great list, they are both legends no matter what, but I'm going to have to pick De Niro. He can play any role, and does so with such prowess."

"I loved Saw, Sunshine, and Titanic, but other than that, we are pretty much one-hundred percent in agreement."

"Maybe some of them, but you still didn't answer my question. You seem like one of those guys who doesn't enjoy much in terms of cinema. Having said that, you are entitled to your own opinion..... :)"

"Excellent Stuff I tell ya! Here are a few suggestions: Hitman/Contract Killer-Hitman (2007), Leon The Professional, Collateral, The Contract. Plastic Surgeon-Good luck chuck, just go with it. MMA fi"

"Do you not actually watch the films that you put on? because these are all ridiculous!"

"Very informative list. I had no idea he was involved with so many films."

"Great list, voted. Just one thing though: Robert Forster's character's name is Max Cherry."

"Great list! Gosh he's been acting for long time. Amazing actor!"

"I absolutely love this list. Except for one thing. Why did you rate Zach and Miri a 4/10 if it's on this list?"

"Hmmmmm. Not exactly what I would have picked, but I agree with enough. Vote granted."

"I couldn't agree more. Titanic, Marley and me, and Forrest gump especially. It's almost impossible not to need a box of tissues for those. Great list!"

"You have excellent taste in television shows. Curb your enthusiasm all the way!"

"What? Mean Girls, American Pie? c'mon man! and The Collector was enjoyable....other than those, I don't have a problem with this list."